Friday, November 11, 2011

Tools and those who work with them

I like tools. A lot. My dad gave me my first toolbox made from one of those old WWII shell boxes. When Renee camps she has many gadgets and tools that she brings along “just in case.” Like 3 different water purifiers each for a different situation. So she packed our tool box for this trip. It is a medium sized plastic box. It includes everything we have needed to make repairs to “It’s so cute” which is what we have renamed the camper.  (That’s because every single person who has seen it says that. Even cowboys.)
For example, when the Swedish brothers-in-law were fixing our tail lights we pulled out: WD 40 spray oil, a wire cutter (on our heavy duty scissors), the tool set, and surgical needle holders that double as needle nose pliers.
When the latch fell off my cupboard, we reattached it with our duct tape. Tie-dyed pattern b/c we’re from California.
When the hinge came off one of the big cabinet doors the wood glue and the screwdriver, with several bits saved the day. Now it is reinforced with that duct tape.

When Josh repaired the fan cover everything he needed was right there. The hotel did lend us the ladder. He could have repaired the vent cover had I let Renee put in the dremmel tool with its little drill like she wanted to.

There is nothing like the right tool for the job, especially on a 3 month cross continent trip in a slightly older trailer. Just ask Rene (not Renee) who changed both the trailer tires yesterday on the “Blue Water Highway” west of Galveston and east of Surfside Beach. He had the old tires off the rims, and the new ones on and filled with air in no time at all. Roadside repair made possible by a strong, kind and skillful guy with the right tools!

We have been so fortunate on this trip. For without the Buffalo RV guys, Josh, Willy, Rene, and Rusty and all their tools, we’d be in sad shape! Thanks to all who have made this trip possible. I never considered how many people would contribute to our trip along the way. It is marvelous.


  1. Hello! ALL your pictures are really great...but I love the last one on this post SO much! Your little old "It's So Cute", hangin' with the big guys (or girls!)!!!!! But, you two and It's So Cute are almost to the end of this wonderful journey, and a very successful journey at safe for the next few weeks, and have a lot more fun!

  2. Hi, Celeste! We've decided to get a sign made with "2QT". More than one definition. Yes, almost to the end of this journey. Tonight we'll be in Franklin Mt state park or Hueco Tanks state park, then to Allee's in New Mexico. What a journey! Love you very much.....R. xoxo
