Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The drive begins south to go west.....???

Yes, from Pennsylvania, we started our drive home to the west by driving south to Virginia, and then south to North Carolina, (are you with me so far?)  to have dinner with Leslie's niece Devon.  She is a research assistant at University of North Carolina, in Durham.  One of the many delights  of this trip is being able to look at a map, think fondly of someone, and lo and behold, Google maps figure out the way to go see them.  We had a lovely visit over superb Mexican food in the downtown Durham/university area.

Our campground was in Falls River State Park, North Carolina, overlooking a lake.
In this photo, you see, after 9000 miles of driving and camping, my FIRST "successful back-up-the-trailer-without-cursing" event.  It was, may I just say, pretty darn awesome!

The view was breath-taking, the campground uncrowded, bathrooms and showers clean, 
with plenty of firewood in the forest to gather.  
AND heavy steel gates the ranger locks at 8PM. 
 With a padlock. 
We learned this as we drove out  to meet Devon for dinner in town, dressed up, restaurant shoes, dog on board.  It would have been dreadful had we not learned the: Yes, we lock up at 8, didn't you see the sign that the park closes at 8pm? from Ranger Rick at the last moment of leaving the campground.  It's the North Carolina legislature, he says, they make the rules, not me.  Too many people going out for alcohol runs if you don't lock up.  He was unimpressed when I explained that even in Englewood Hospital  School of Nursing in 1966, the housemother didn't lock the door till 9PM.  
He didn't even laugh. 
If we had returned at 10pm without knowing this, what UNhappy campers we would have been,  to have found the gates locked, the moon in the 'new moon' phase.  In other words, pitch black.  No sneakers.  No idea where our camp site was in the dark.
But now informed and prepared, we had walking shoes, clear sense of direction by driving the route through the campground, headlamps, and a sense of humor.  Left the car by the locked steel gate and walked in.  Only a half mile, it turned out. Walked back out for the car in the AM.    Glad it isn't bear territory in N.C.

The Divine Miss Anna Banana

Cleaning out the sand from the trailer from Virginia beach

Could autumn get any better than this?  she says........

Anna acting like a dog, in the lake, on her own.....Who knew?

Wagons HO_O_O_O.......
head 'em out......
load 'em up........
....a piece for the dog to chew, anyway.........

Now, westward bound!  
The First Official rear view mirror compass W !

The next chapter takes us west to South Carolina..........
Still with me?

(Written in Arkansas, and missing our Alabama  family already!...........RJ)

1 comment:

  1. About the Happy Harvest display....It's very commonplace for people in the south to make such displays in the fall. I noticed that the displays had brown faces. That wouldn't be common at my house, because no one here is black. However, being that was an area of mostly blacks, it was probably created by blacks. Overalls in the scenes are typically all you'll ever see in the fall displays. Most older men, black or white, often wear overalls in the south. So, there you have it! P.S. Racist issues DO exist, but not as often as in the past. AND, not at my home! You knew that already, though. Love you girls!
