Friday, December 23, 2011

Heeeeeerrrrrrreeeeeeee's Mikey!

Along the way around the country, Leslie and I each fell in love with a few other dogs, and acknowledged each time it would be unfulfilled love, and regretful goodbyes, 'for the best'.....
Little Mo in Pennsylvania, the thankfully one-headed puppy of questionable parentage in North Carolina, Toby in Arkansas (who had a fine home and life already, thank you very much, but I dreamed, nonetheless, of Anna and Toby romping their way through life in San Jose. )  Anna continued to revel in her life as 'the only dog', with our undivided attention and treat bags.

Till this week.

And here's the newest member of our family:   MIKEY!
Leslie found this ad on Petfinders:

We went, we saw, he conquered!  Conquered us, with cuteness, that is.

Here's the story:  Mikey began his life in Idaho four years ago, and sadly his owner recently died.
The  owner's  daughter in Auburn, CA couldn't care for him, so she placed him in a foster home
with the group in Santa Rosa, and they posted the ad.

The beginning was tentative.  Anna was a bit cranky, but she adjusted.

He has good 'ground manners', easy to bathe, not a barker.  

And what a cuddler he is!

In the meantime, tasks still had to be done.  We hung the Christmas lights outside one afternoon, and from inside we heard a crash.  I feared some argument between the dogs.  No, it was the crash and breaking of the glass butter dish from the counter.  Anna did her best to look innocent, but the butter on her nose gave her away!

Leslie, the Dog Whisperer of Hudson Drive.  The magic is in the liver treats!

Mikey went off for an official grooming, and came back a new man!

We could not take the chance to love him, though, till Trish the dog trainer/behaviorist
came over to assist with the introduction to the cats.
Let's just say, the cats still rule, no question, paws down.  
George still sleeps wherever he wants, and everyone else adapts.
Grace can look and sound like a prehistoric saber-tooth cat.
Mikey does not argue.  He walks away.  Carefully.

There is peace again in our home, after just seven days.

Ok, admit it, isn't he ADORABLE?!

It's official.
Mikey's ours!
He's a keeper!

Lucky us.


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